About family constellation
It happens quite often that
a hidden force, which connects the members of our family system: the so-called
family conscience or a family soul is responsible for
our life management problems, conflicts in our social
relationships, and even for our physical illnesses. The family soul acts as a kind
of balance between the members of the family system. If a member of the system
- including our distant ancestors whom we didn't even know - had suffered
injustice, faced a difficult fate (e.g. he/she was disinherited by a family,
lost a parent, or a sibling as a child or his/her own child as an adult), the
family soul tries to compensate him/her for the loss by making another member
of the family system show solidarity. In such cases, we unconsciously share the
difficult fate, carrying the burden together with our ansestor, with the
subconscious thought that we could make it easier to bear the burden if we
carry it with him, and also that if he suffered, we don't deserve happiness
It may also happen that we suffer for our ancestor. For example, if he committed a crime for which he did not receive the punishment he deserved, it is conceivable that we take it for him, punishing ourselves with failure and joylessness. If sadness often strikes us, in a way that is incomprehensible to us, since the events of our own lives do not justify it, it is possible that we feel our ancestors' pain if, for example, he himself could not live through his grief over a loss.
Anyone who requests a family constellation must first expose their problem and a well-defined goal that they want to reach with the claim. Based on what she heard, the facilitator then determines what representatives are needed in the constellation. Representatives can refer to family members, concepts, objects, feelings, and in each case, someone is needed to represent the client himself, otherwise known as the seeker. The seeker must select the representatives for the listed roles from the group present.
After the representatives have stood up and taken on their roles, a special energy field is formed in the circle, through which the representatives have access to the unconscious of the given family system, they map the dynamics of the family's functioning, the relationship of the family members to each other, they give feedback through their body language, movements and words about the thoughts and feelings of the person they represent. During the process, it is also revealed what kind of intertwining of fates and hidden family dynamics may be behind the seeker's problem. If necessary, the facilitator brings in new representatives, moves them into the circle so that they get to their place according to the family system, says certain sentences with them, asks them to make various gestures, for example bowing, thereby promoting the restoration of the harmony of the family members and through them of the seeker as well.
After watching the constellation, the seeker will be asked to change places with his/her representative. By suiting his own identity, he has the opportunity to experience and become aware of the newly formed order, and with the help of the specific sentences and gestures, after his representative he himself can symbolically return to the given ancestor the burden that he carried with him or instead of him until now, guided by his loyalty to his family.