How does a group family constellation workshop go?
Family constellation takes place with the participation of 8-12 people. Someone can be present at the constellations in two roles:
- As a seeker, the participant brings a topic, in front of the group, he briefly formulates what the problem is that he wants to work on and what the goal he wants to achieve through the constellation. After that, the participants chosen by him, the ones who represent the corresponding family members, visualize the functioning of his family system.
- As a representative, the participant takes part in the constellations of the seekers. Your own family will therefore not be mapped, but you can still benefit a lot from a workshop. As a representative, we are often found by roles that are also significant for us and can greatly contribute to easing our own tensions. Those who come as a seeker, after their constellation, will also contribute to the other seekers' constellations as a representative for the rest of the day.
I facilitate family constellation workshops in both Hungarian and English languages. As a seeker, you have the opportunity to participate in both Hungarian and English-speaking groups. If you come to a Hungarian group, your constellation will be the first one that I translate simultaneously for the representatives and you. After your constellation, you do not need to be present for the rest of the day. Since bilingual work takes quite a lot of extra time, I expect foreign participants as representatives to apply for English-speaking groups.
Practical information regarding English-language workshops:
We start at 9 a.m., the ending is uncertain (sometime between 6 and 8 p.m.). On a family constellation workshop, there are maximum 7 constellations. We take 10-15 minute breaks between them. From a group dynamics point of view, it is quite unfavorable if the composition of the group changes during the day, so I ask the participants to clear the whole day. An earlier leave is only acceptable in strongly justified cases (e.g.: breastfeeding, health crisis, physical disability). During the day, soft drinks, coffee, and snacks are provided, participants should also bring additional cold or even hot food (the place is equipped with a refrigerator, microwave oven, plates, glasses and cutlery) if they need it. Comfortable clothes and slippers are recommended.