About me
I graduated as a psychologist at the University of Szeged in 2010, in 2018. I obtained a Ph.D. degree in Educational Sciences from the same faculty. Since September 2017, I have been an employee of the Institute of Education at the University of Szeged, I currently work as an assistant professor (see Lecturing-Research). After earning my MA degree, while starting a family and building my academic career, I feverishly searched for a method that would prove to be effective in healing my own physical and emotional wounds. Being a researcher it seems quite ironic that I clearly found this in a method that operates with some elements whose functioning we cannot yet explain with our current knowledge of physical reality. That is family constellation.
After walking through my journey of self-discovery (it is, of course, a never-ending journey), I began to feel a call to help others reach those radical positive changes that the family constellation brought to my own life. That's why I completed a family constellation training with an integral approach, led by the psychiatrist, psychotherapist Gabriella Agócs M.D. and psychologist Zita Farkas. After 6 years and tons of experience as a participant, in 2021 I sat in the family constellation facilitator's chair to start leading my own groups. Similar to my experiences as a participant, as a facilitator, I am impressed again and again by the depth and power of the method. Filled with gratitude and humbleness I try to help those who turn to me.